
more orkut tricks

Scrap All
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It sends scrap to all the friend's automatically.

Unlock Any Scrapbook
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It unlocks all scrapbooks automatically.

Unlock Any Album
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It unlocks all albums automatically.

Increase your fans
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It increase your fans within minutes.

Show Video Instead Of Profile Picture
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
Hit enter.
It replaces video with your profile picture.

Scrapbook Flooder
Open scrapbook.
Write something in the text box.
Donot press submit
Copy the following java script into the URL bar.
javascript: i=0;nb=document.body.innerHTML.match(/\w+\/\d+\/(\d+).jpg/i)[1];nb1=document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA').item(0).value; document.body.innerHTML+='';window[0].location="http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?&pageSize=30";function nick(){document.forms[1].target="tio";window[0]._checkAll(window[0].document.scrapsForm, 'scrapKeys', true);window[0]._submitForm(window[0].document.forms[2], 'delete', '');window[0].location=window[0].document.links[20].href;};void(setInterval(nick,2000))
Hit enter.
Close the window or press refresh to stop the deleting.

Coloured scraps
Write anything in text box
Copy the script and paste it in URL bar.
Presss enter
Now submit the scrap
javascript:cor=new Array('green','red','blue','maroon');var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\n/gi,'§ ');sp=txt.value.split(' ');txti='';for(l=0;l

New way of writing
Write anything in text box
Copy the script and paste it in URL bar.
Presss enter
Now submit the scrap
javascript:var txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/a/gi,"α");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/p/gi,"ρ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/N/gi,"и");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/t/gi,"т");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/E/gi,"є");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/u/gi,"υ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/h/gi,"н");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/s/gi,"ร");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/o/gi,"σ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/m/gi,"м");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/r/gi,"я");void(0);

Message Reverser
Open scrapbook
Write text in text box.
Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.
Now submit the scrap
javascript:alert("Katyal Rocks");msgm=prompt("message");function reverse() { var inp = msgm; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=outp ;}; reverse();

Dictionary in orkut
Copy the script in URL bar and hit enter.
Write the desired word and get its meaning.
javascript:eval(String.fromCharCode(97, 61, 112, 114, 111, 109, 112, 116, 40, 34, 69, 110, 116, 101, 114, 32, 87, 111, 114, 100, 32, 84, 111, 32, 66, 101, 32, 83, 101, 97, 114, 99, 104, 101, 100, 32, 73, 110, 32, 68, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121, 34, 41, 59, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 46, 98, 111, 100, 121, 46, 105, 110, 110, 101, 114, 72, 84, 77, 76, 43, 61, 39, 60, 105, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 61, 34, 97, 114, 115, 104, 34, 32, 119, 105, 100, 116, 104, 61, 34, 49, 48, 50, 52, 34, 32, 104, 101, 105, 103, 104, 116, 61, 34, 55, 54, 56, 34, 62, 60, 47, 105, 102, 114, 97, 109, 101, 62, 39, 59, 119, 105, 110, 100, 111, 119, 91, 48, 93, 46, 108, 111, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 61, 34, 104, 116, 116, 112, 58, 47, 47, 119, 119, 119, 46, 100, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121, 46, 104, 109, 47, 115, 101, 97, 114, 99, 104, 95, 102, 117, 110, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 46, 112, 104, 112, 63, 113, 61, 34, 32, 43, 97));void(0)

Profile without picture
Use this script while you are in cropping stage

Album flooder
Goto http://www.orkut.com/Album.aspx
Then browse pic which u want to flood after selection run this script.
javascript:function devil(){_submitForm(document.forms[1], 'upload', '');}void(setInterval(devil,350));

Vibrator in orkut
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:function flood(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 20; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} flood(10);{ var inp = "!!!skcoR llA parcS"; var outp = ""; for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp = inp.charAt (i) + outp ; } alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
Hit enter.

Add all to your hot list
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addHot&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
Hit enter.

Add all to your ignore list
Just open orkut page and copy this script in URL bar.
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addIgonre&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))
Hit enter.

Add all ur friends to ur crush list
Open this Page and run the script.
Allow all pop ups of orkut.com
javascript:d=document;a=d.forms[1];a.target="nb";i=0;void(setInterval((function () {a.action="Profile.aspx?Action.addCrush&uid="+d.getElementsByTagName("option")[i++].value;a.submit()}),2000))

Empty ur crush list
javascript:i=0;document.body.innerHTML+='';window[0].location="/Marks.aspx?mid=3";function nb(){document.forms[1].target="nobody";window[0]._submitForm(window[0].document.forms[1], 'delete', '');};void(setInterval(nb,2000));

View UID's of all friends
Copy the script in in friend's list.
Hit enter
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/uid=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 = "";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' + text_LoL[index_1] + '",
'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};document.write(text_LoL_1)

View all community ids
Copy the scipt in communities page.
Hit enter.
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/cmm=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 ="";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' +text_LoL[index_1] + '",'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};

Post same topic in selected communities
Paste all the community UID,s in the given format cmm=['42454897','5866948']; (even a comma makes a difference)
Open any non-anonymous community
Type the Subject and Body[colour and smileys allowed]
Run the script and allow all pop ups.
javascript:var text_LoL = document.body.innerHTML.match(/cmm=\d+/gi);var text_LoL = text_LoL.join();var text_LoL = text_LoL.match(/\d+/gi);var text_LoL_1 ="";for (index_1 = text_LoL.length-1;index_1 >= 0;index_1--){if (text_LoL_1.indexOf(text_LoL[index_1]) == -1) {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1 + '"' +text_LoL[index_1] + '",'} else {text_LoL_1 = text_LoL_1}};
You will find the topic(posted by you) in all the selected communities

See your signature and token id
Copy the script in scrapbook URL bar and hit enter.
javascript:df=document.forms[1];df.scrapText.value='Signature: ' +df.signature.value+'\nPost Token: '+df.POST_TOKEN.value;void(0)